Daybreak Market & Fuel

Daybreak Market & Fuel


2022 Fiscal Year Revenue
$58.4 Billion

2022 Fiscal Year Total Assets 
$17.6 Billion

2022 Current Assets 
$7.3 Billion

2022 Number of Employees 

Credit Rating

The lease is guaranteed by Motiva Enterprises LLC, which is a S&P Rated: Investment Grade BBB+ (Long-Term) A-2 (Short-Term)


Daybreak Market & Fuel

Daybreak Market & Fuel

Daybreak Market & Fuel is a convenience store and gas station chain that offers a wide selection of convenience items, including snacks, drinks, and other everyday essentials, as well as high-quality fuel options for drivers. Daybreak Market & Fuel has established itself as a trusted brand in the convenience store industry and is backed by Motiva Enterprises, LLC, which is investment-grade rated and had revenue of $58.4 billion in 2022 and over 2,500 employees.